2017 Crown Managers Partnership Forum
Improving Drought Resilience - Forest to Valley Bottom
March 14-16, 2017 Stage Stop Inn, Choteau, MT
The Crown Managers Partnership partnered with the United States Forest Service on the 2017 CMP Forum. The 2017Forum was generously funded by the United States Forest Service.
The objectives of the workshop were:
1) Provide awareness and understanding of the vulnerabilities of drought to key resources within forest, range/agriculture, and riparian systems.
2) Share and learn from a wide range of agency and private land owners on existing collaboration and management for drought.
3) Learn about and consider adaptation strategies and actions that can be applied to management on specific sites or general situations of private, state, tribal, and federal lands.
Crown Managers Partnership Business Meeting
Transboundary Conservation Initiative - Ian Dyson
Day 1:
Welcoming Remarks - Bill Avey, Forest Supervisor, Helena Lewis and Clark National Forest
Defining Drought - Chad McNutt, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)
Montana Climate (past and future) trends and meteorological influences to drought - Nick Silverman, MT State Climate Office
Ecological Drought Framework - Aaron Ramirez, Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) Ecological Drought Working Group
Adaptation workbook for non-forested landscapes - What to do to improve drought resilience - Hailey Wilmer, USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub Fellow
Overview of drought adaptation strategies for key resources - Jessica Halofsky, University of Washington
Missouri Headwaters Drought Resilience Demonstration Project - Tina Laidlaw, MT Office US Environmental Protection Agency and Ann Schwend, MT Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation
Day 2:
The drivers of drought and fire in northern Rocky Mountain forests: interactions of vegetation, climate and disturbance - Bob Keane, US Forest Service
A century of drought-related mountain pine beetle disturbance throughout Northern Region forests from 1916-2016 - Joel Egan, US Forest Service, Forest Health Protection
Whitebark Pine: implications of drought and a high mountain ecosystem - Michael Murray, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources, British Columbia
FOREST SYSTEMS - Management and Collaboration
Assessing limber pine condition along the Rocky Mountain Front: a multi-agency approach - Dave Hanna, The Nature Conservancy; Amy Gannon, MT Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation; Tanya Murphy, Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest
Impact of drought on rangeland vegetation and agricultural resources - Matt Reeves, USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub. Rocky Mountain Research Station(USFS)
Soil Health - Key to Drought Resilience - Marni Thompson, Natural Resource Conservation Service
Hydrology of the Teton River - water management in an over appropriated river basin - Aaron Fiaschette, MT. Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
RANGE AND AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS - Management and Collaboration
Drought Management - Leveraging Existing Water Management Infrastructure in the South Saskatchewan River Basin - Rick Friedl, Alberta Environment and Parks
Drought and Range Management on Alberta Rangelands - Amanda Miller, Alberta Environment and Parks
Greenfields Irrigation District and Water Management on the Sun River - Erling Juel, Greenfields Irrigation District
Agriculture Resource Management Plan - Loren Birdrattler, Blackfeet Tribe
Day 3:
Understanding the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems to drought in the Northern Rockies: Implications for enchancing resilience and adaptation - Clint Muhlfeld, US Geological Services, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
Fluvial Geomorphology, Floodplain connectivity - Karin Boyd, Applied Geomorphology, Inc.
Natural water storage solutions to drought - Nathan Korb, The Nature Conservancy
RIPARIAN SYSTEMS - Management and Collaboration
Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program - Andy Lamb, Alberta Environment and Parks
The Lost Art of Sub-Irrigation - Mike Briggs, Theodore Memorial Roosevelt Ranch (no ppt)
Putting Beavers to Work for Watershed Resiliency and Restoration - Danah Duke, Miistakis Institute of the Rockies