Elliot Fox, Independent Consultant

Makoyoohkinnii (Blackfoot name that translates as Wolf Collar), Elliot is a member of the Kainai (Blood Tribe) First Nation (Blackfoot Confederacy) who has worked in the field of natural resource conservation and land management in southwest Alberta, largely in the Crown Ecosystem, for the past 29 years as a fish, wildlife, forestry, rangeland and climate adaptation technician with Parks Canada-Waterton Lakes, Alberta Fish & Wildlife, the Blood Tribe, the Earthwatch and Resilience Institute’s; and as a senior land manager with the Kainai (Blood Tribe) and Piikani First Nations. Elliot is currently working as an independent consultant based out of his residence. More recently, Elliot has been appointed as a member of the Parks Canada National Conservation & Restoration Indigenous Advisory Committee, the Crown Managers Partnership (CMP) Landscape Conservation Design Committee and is a board member with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) – Southern Alberta Chapter. He is currently working on the 5 th year as a consultant/Assistant Project Manager for the Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council (BFC) Native Trout Recovery Project, the first year as the Project Manager – Environmental Protection & Conservation focused on exploring the establishment of a Blackfoot Confederacy Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA), and as an Indigenous Conservation Consultant with the Miistakis Institute. Elliot is a graduate of the Renewable Resource Management (Environmental Science) Program at Lethbridge College (1994).

Contact: elliotfox22@gmail.com